The Grand Finale: This Year’s Storytelling Festival
What a great festival this has been, and I hope all of you will have the opportunity to attend next year on Oct 2-4, 2015.
Today I heard some tellers I had not heard before: Kate Campbell with songs and stories from Sledge Mississippi, Regis Carpenter who told about the power of the human spirit, and Carmen Deedy with stories from Cuba.
I always enjoy the resource tent, seeing the new resource books and children’s books too. Guess whose books were in the Storytelling Center Store? You guessed it! Shirley and my two volume collection of stories to tell to young children: Tell It Again and Tell It Again 2.
You can be a storyteller too. Start small with a simple story like “The Little Red Hen” , “The Gigantic Turnip” or “The Turtle and the Rabbit”. Use the story cards in the back of book to help you remember in your first tellings. Tell it to a few children and then larger groups. Use sounds, repeated phrases, and gesture to invite participate. This captures the active learning style of young children.
You will soon hear the familiar phrase “Tell it Again”. Then you will know you have captured their interest, your voice and sounds have focused their listening, and they will remember the story forever!
Thanks for including me in your blog. It was a great thrill to see our books in the National Storytelling Center Store. So pleased we were able to make these two great collections of stories.
Remember to mark Oct. 2-4 for 2015—and we can do it again!