A New Year with New Children & New Possibilities
As we end a very busy summer, we begin to think about what is coming in the fall. What will the children be interested in? What exciting learning can occur? Are there new materials and projects that can be added to challenge children’s thinking?
My summer, as I am sure you feel, has flown by with few moments to relax and reflect on where we are going, and how we are going to get there. Now is the time to take that time to think, create, and reflect.
This spring and summer I have been writing 6-7 days a week and many hours on each of those days, but I am happy to share with you that my new book for NAEYC is finished and in my editor’s hands.
Of course there will be rewrites, corrections, and additions but the meat of the book has been written. Yeah! My husband Ben said, “This is the hardest I have ever seen you work on a book” and I must admit I did put in many hours recognizing that my professional organization is publishing it. Of course, I wanted it to be the best book possible!
With Sonia, my co-author, we have worked to develop a book that is beautiful, innovative, and filled with new possibilities for early childhood teachers.
Anticipated release date is June 2016.
Watch my blog for announcements of the release time and place for our new book on creativity in young children.
This coming week, August 4 and 5, I will be doing a keynote for the Kansas Christian Early Childhood Association in Kansas City with the focus on “Building a Sense of Community: Ensuring Every Child is Treasured” and several breakout sessions.
August 15, I will be doing a keynote and breakout sessions for TX Baptist Weekday Education Association. These sessions will focus on “Inspiring and Sustaining Creativity in Young Children.”
As you think of your new year, think of some unique things you might try with your creative young children. They inspire all of us to think creatively, and collaborate in exciting ways! Have a wonderful beginning!
Idea for the first days: Take a picture of each child in your classroom and display these in a beautiful way for everyone to see. Your children will recognize that this is “Their Special Place”!
Congratulations on finishing the new book for NAEYC and on your lucky audiences in Kansas and Texas!
Thanks for the kind words—dear friend.