On My Way to NAEYC in Dallas
Welcome to my new friends from Columbia, SC Richland One School District. Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to work with PreK through 2nd grade teachers in this large district. What dedicated and caring teachers they were, and they were active participates with me in my Keynote session and breakout sessions too! Our interactions were joyful and filled with shared experiences of the amazing potentials of young children. Thank you for your work!
Off to Dallas and the National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference. It is always great to be a part of this enormous group of professionals who all share an interest in the critical early years of children’s lives.
This conference always inspires me as I connect to longtime friends, meet new folks, and see what books, materials, and ideas are on the cutting edge in our field.
If you are at NAEYC in Dallas, I hope to see you and have a moment to talk!