Joyful News
This week the town of Jonesborough, Tennessee, created a Story Trail behind the International Storytelling Center.
I am thrilled that they have selected my children’s book Everyone Has a Story to Tell to be displayed throughout the trail. There you receive an invitation to read each page of the story about the fabulous tellers who live and visit this storytelling capital. This book was created in collaboration with Marilyn Buchanan and a local illustrator, William B. Bledsoe. It is a story of two children who walk through historic Jonesborough, collecting stories from local residents and visiting international storytellers.
This beautiful display of the pages from the storybook was funded through a Tennessee State Literacy grant. If you have an opportunity to visit Jonesborough or attend the National Storytelling Festival, enjoy this storybook as you stroll and tell your story, too.
Special Notice: The International National Storytelling Festival this year is Oct. 6-8, 2023.