Good News Alert: Nashville Stars at NAAEYC
The Nashville Conference was an amazing celebration of our early childhood profession. It was led by two outstanding professionals; Jana Crosby, who effectively coordinated the conference and Tara Hurdle, the competent President of the organization. Although the weather was stormy, these two amazingly positive women kept the conference on course and infused with high energy!
Nashville’s early childhood educators at the conference were excited about learning, the exhibits, the delicious food, and the opportunity to collaborate with other professionals. Together we celebrated the joy of working with young children, recognizing their creativity, and connecting teachers to their own creativity. In our closing session together we giggled, laughed, and participated in stories about the funny things that happen in early childhood classrooms. It was wonderful for me to have the opportunity to share the laughter and joy with these dedicated, hardworking early childhood educators!
This Week of the Young Child let’s celebrate the amazing people who are working with young children every day! NAAEYC is a great place to find some of these very special people!