A Life Changing Experience for Early Childhood Teachers
The Terri Lynne Lokoff Child Care Foundation honored 50 preschool teachers this past week in Philadelphia, PA. These award-winning teachers experienced an amazing weekend in a luxury hotel with incredible food and a festive Award Ceremony that celebrated the recipients. All of this was planned and implemented by the foundation established by Kay Lokoff in honor of her daughter who was an early childhood teacher. Today, the foundation is led by Jamie Lokoff, with his brother Robert, Sharon Bell, and a small team of competent people who have been involved since 1987.
It was my honor to be the speaker for the teacher’s breakfast and the Keynote for the Award Ceremony. I knew this was going to be a wonderful experience for me afterall – these are my people! However, I was not prepared for how magnificent it actually was! I understood this would be a transforming experience for these early childhood teachers who are seldom recognized for their important work and their powerful impact on young children and their families. This weekend was a wonderful tribute to each of them for the important work they do.
On Saturday morning, I had the opportunity to listen to these impressive early childhood teachers speak about their work and describe the brilliant projects they had submitted as part of the application process. The 50 teachers selected for this award received a $1,000 grant with $500 to be used in implementing their projects in their classroom. The projects ranged from a Sensory Outdoor Playground, to Art Shack, and to Literacy Materials. The other $500 in the grant was awarded to the teachers to acknowledge his or her dedication as a child care teacher. I was shocked when the teachers talked of getting their car fixed or paying a long due medical bill. If they were paid the wages they deserve, this would not be the way to spend their awarded money. Whatever their choice was, however, I am sure it will be used well and appreciated.
The Terri Lynne Lokoff Family and Foundation have chosen to turn the terrible loss of their beloved daughter and teacher into an amazing celebration each year for a special group of early childhood teachers. To these award-winning teachers, this celebration has clearly demonstrated that their work and dedication is appreciated not just by their parents and young children, but by the National Child Care Teacher Awards! This designation will build their confidence in their abilities and inspire them to mentor other early childhood teachers. Jill M Corea was selected as the 2019 Preschool Teacher of the Year.
These 50 marvelous early childhood teachers will always remember this important day at the 2019 National Child Care Teacher Awards. My own life was enhanced by meeting these amazing teachers and working with the Foundation’s Family who chose this miraculous way to remember Terri Lynne Lokoff.
Thank you for including me,
Please visit their website to learn more about this wonderful foundation and the application process: https://www.tllccf.org/