Fall Science Center Ideas
Today there is a major focus on including science in the curriculum for children, as seen in STEM. This emphasis on science and math is being encouraged in the early years and primary grades.
It is important to remember, however, that young children are already natural scientists as they manipulate, explore, and question their physical world every day.
Because they are so interested in their physical world, it is a perfect time to add a new and exciting Science Center to your classroom. This addition will encourage young children to examine real items from their environment, and connect their knowledge to things that interest them.
Items to Include
The concrete materials you include should be items that they see in their environment on a regular basis. It is also helpful to provide a few novel items that might stretch their thinking and invite problem solving.
In our region, there are many different kinds of nuts that are falling from trees during this season. For example: pecans, walnuts, and chestnuts that all look, taste, and crack differently.
Other possibilities might be: dried flowers, and a variety of leaves, herbs, and bulbs. Including some of these in the Science Center will provide a perfect match for young children’s way of learning.
These materials will encourage their examination and use of language as they discuss the fall items. Don’t forget to include all of the seed and flower catalogues. They will add interesting printed material to the Science Center, and create a literacy opportunity.
Free Resource Download
Click the button below to download a PDF of the basic design, objectives, vocabulary, and webbing that can provide the foundation for your Fall Science Center. Also included are activities, materials, and literacy suggestions that can be adapted to a fall theme. These are for you to use and modify for your special group of children. Let me know what exciting things you are including in your new and improved Science Center.
[button_icon icon=”document-pdf-text” url=”https://drisbell.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/DrIsbell_BookScan_ScienceCenter.pdf” blank=”true” size=”middle”]Download the Science Center Resource[/button_icon]
Reference for Science Center is: The Complete Book of Learning Centers, revised. Published by Gryphon House and authored by Dr. Isbell. It can be purchased in my bookstore.